Thursday, August 12, 2010


Time: 11.05 a.m

Date: 12.08.2010

Venue: The receptionist desk

Mood: Boringgggggggggg!!!!!!!!

Kelakar la..wajar ke, administrator department lain yang kena replace receptionist while she is away? Wajar ke? Tak!! Apa guna ada Unit Pengurusan Sumber Manusia kalau unit lain yang kena buat kerja mereka? Oh ya, bak kata sahabat saya, "hr kan senior exec.."..huh, senior exec my foot la!

Wajar juga ke kalau, mereka mahu rotate kami (para administrator) untuk ganti tempat recept ini, seandainya si recept bercuti? What kind of system is that??Hmm..yes, we call it system that is full with b.s!

Walaupun kerja-kerja aku tak sebeban kerja-kerja pengurus-pengurus besar kat sini, tapi still kerja aku tak siapa yang boleh tolong cover. Kerja bos aku pun dah sedia membukit. Mungkin kami hanya administrator, jadi kami memang layak dipusing-pusingkan sesuka hati.

They should have a better solution than this. Pengurusan Sumber Manusia namanya, Pengurusan Penindasan Sumber-sumber Manusia yang ada..huh!

Friday, August 6, 2010

I aM..

I am thrilled to do this one..I am excited coz finally.. I've got it!

Recently, I watched a movie and I think it was the closest thing to my heart after "U've Got Mail". It was a brilliant movie..light, funny but most importantly, it helps to get my feet on the ground.

It was released I think, a year or two years back. Sebenarnya, mesej filem itu, kita semua sedia maklum..ladies la..tapi kita (mungkin tak semua) choose to be ignorant..I know I do..hahaha..It is all about the sign. We feed ourselves with all the positive notes when it comes to the sign..we wanted to believe things that are not there. In the end..we get nothing from it!

Filem itu mengajar aku tentang satu fakta yang sangat obvious. Percayalah kalau aku cakap, bermula dari hari aku nonton filem itu dan mungkin juga selamanya, aku akan hanya percaya pada fakta itu sahaja. Kenapalah selama ini, aku tak nampak semua itu?? Mungkin aku tahu, tapi buat-buat tak tahu kot,kan?

Hidup aku semakin clear sekarang....hanya dengan sebaris ayat!

So, are you the rule or the exception?

p/s: do u know which movie I am talking about? hehe... :)