Korang penah tengok citer "snow white" tak? Tipu ar tak penah tengok! Well, at least penah bace la kan! Hehehe..ilek..ade moralnye blog aku ni..
Snow white is not my favorite fairy tale. In fact, i don't think i like any of those fairy tale stories. Personally, i think fairy tale sucks! Because it always has a happy ending and happy ending does not always exists in the real life..bukan la watak snow white yang aku nak discuss ngan korang tapi watak the evil witch a.k.a snow white's stepmother. Mak tiri die kan ade cermin ajaib. She likes to ask, "mirror,mirror on the wall..whose the fairest of them all??".. the mirror will answer, "you are the fairest of them all!". She will keep asking the same question over and over again, even when the mirror gave her the same answer over and over again. So, my question is.. do you think being beautiful is that damn important??
Biase ar kite dengar, biar cantik dalaman dari luaran..tapi berape ramai sangat yang nak gune teori tu? Tengok je la iklan sekarang. Sumenye dok promote nak cerahkan kulit.. tapi produk for putihkan hati nape takde orang buat?? Kalau betul la cantik dalaman tu amat-amat penting?? Kalau la ade, sape la yang nak beli dulu? For sure those yang buuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuk hati..hahahahahahaha..ok, seriously, i used to feel that i'm not beautiful. I used to think that, no matter how good i've been, people won't see it. I would still be judged by the way i look..to make things worst, i was lack of self-confidence, self-assurance..self-esteem! Senang citer, aku rase serba serbi kureng! I hate that..i really hate that! For your information, i had acne problems when i was younger..haha..quite serious..and i thought i have to deal with it forever but Alhamdulillah, sekarang tak la sekronik dulu!
When i had acne all over my face, i wish i was invisible! I believe i'm not the only one who wish to be unseen with a face like that..sengsarenye aku rase. Nasib la kengkawan aku best-best. They never made me feel ugly. They never looked at me differently. Maybe diorang nak tanye, tapi takut aku terase hati..hehe..thanks korang! I was so selfconcious. I couldn't make eye contact..hehe i would try not to make any eye contact with anyone. Aku rase, aku la manusie paling banyak jerawat..hahaha..mase tu aku pun fikir yang cantik luaran tu teramat la penting! Looking back, i was soooooooooooo stupid. Aku tau, aku tak pernah dinilai oleh sesape pun base on my physical appearance. Not by my frens and definitely not by my family. I was the only one who being judgemental. Hahaha..bodoh..memang bodoh!
Now, i understand the true meaning of being beautiful. Tak semestinye cantik rupe, cantik perangai. Cantik is not everything. Biar la aku tak cantik paras tapi perangai & kelaku aku, tak menyakitkan hati & mata orang. Biar la kalau a guy rase the lady across the table lagi cantik dari aku yang dok kat sebelah, who cares! Biar la sume pompuan kat negeri perlis nak cerahkan kulit, che' tetap suka dengan kulit che' yang tak beghapa nak ceghah ni! I'm comfortable with myself. I never felt this good before. Sekarang kalau ade jerawat, aku cool..hehehe..tak kelam kelibut cam kakak aku..coz i know i'll look pretty with or without jerawat! I realized, what ever people may think about me..especially the way i look, does not make any impact on me! If a guy doesn't think i'm pretty, then he must be gay..haha..it's the way you honour urself. You don't need anyone to tell how pretty you are. It's within you. If you feel beautiful, the rest of the world will look at you the same!
So, don't feel bad if you have a pimple. Do not feel bad, if her skin fairer than yours. Believe in yourself, be nice to people, smile, be confident..it helps to bring your inner beauty. Most importantly, be beautiful by simply being...y.o.u!
Life is like reading a book..that's the way i see it! When i read the first page, i can't wait to flip to the next page. Curious and anxious to know, what's next! Whether the story will have a happy ending or an ending fill with tears. I do not know where or how my story will end..but so far, i'm blessed with every single page that i read! I would like to share the rest of my story with u..coz without u, i may have few blank chapters in my story..
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
BoLi cHUriYa...

Yesterday, i watched a hindi film..haha..an old one!Amar,Akbar & Anthony (3A). Ever heard of this film?? Amitabh Bachan was one of the actors. Bukan la xde citer lain yang aku boleh tengok, tapi teralih 108..so, kite layaaaaaaaan..

Once upon a time, i was a fan of hindi film. Nak-nak zaman Shahrukh Khan baru nak femes..peh, mase tu, die la manusie terensem dalam senarai. Kire, kalau cite yang ade die, hehe..sure aku tengok. Siap beli vcd supaye aku boleh tengok die haaaaaaaaaaaaaari-hari..kronik..ye, memang kronik!. Lagu hindustan, tak tau lirik pun, blasah je..janji ade bunyik sket-sket, jadi la..tu tak kire nak tiru style menari lagi..hahahahahaha..Akak aku siap blanje aku tengok citer kuch-kuch hota hai. Ye, meleleh aku ngan akak tapi kitorang buat-buat xkenal..muahahaha.
Actually, there's nothing much about hindi movie. The plots are the same. Story about forbidden love, gangsterism, teenagers..love again..arghh..dok putaq tang tu la jugak! Sekarang ni, ade la kot improvement skit dari segi storyline..tapi tak banyak yang berbeza pun. Tapi kan, citer hindustan ni, lawak die not bad la. Cam citer 3A tu, ade la adegan tumbuk-tumbuk. Klakarnye bile, polis tu belum lempang lagi, dah bunyik sound orang kene lempang..hahahaha. Then, bile polis tu lempang sorang, yang lagi dua pun jatuh!! Yang paling best sound kalau diorang gaduh..dush..dush..dushum..hahahahaha..Kalau part becinter + menyanyi tu, toksah nak komen la. Pusing satu india pun tak cukup aku rase! Mungkin tu cara diorang promote.."welcome to india sir..!"
I guess, hindi films are made simply for entertaining the audiences. Citer hindustan, citer yang kite boleh relax..bile kite tengok, kite tak payah fikir..coz we all know, hindi film only have one kind of ending..a happy one..yeay!! Hero mati hidup balik, hero kawen ngan heroin, hero rescue heroin, parents heroin bagi restu kat hero nak kawen ngan heroin..bla..bla..bla..tapi ade gak orang bising bile tengok citer hindustan! Instead of watching the movie, they try to be the director for that movie! Hello...name pun citer, citer hindustan la pulak..tengok aje la!!
Syukur sangat, skali tu je la aku tengok wayang citer hindustan..memang citer hindustan tak membebankan pale otak nak fikir, tapi agak hangin sebab tengok diorang nyanyi-nyanyi..sambil becanda bahagie! Aku suke tengok citer yang tak susah nak paham (bukan la aku ni sengal..:p) tapi the whole idea of watching a movie is to relax your mind. Kalau tengok citer yang aku kene concentrate, sampai nak pegi toilet pun fikir banyak kali..takut ter miss any part of the movie, watpe!!!! Cam citer hindustan, ko nak pegi kedai beli roti pun, ko dah bley agak ape jadik sepeninggalan ko takde!..hahaha..
What ever it is, there's no industry like the Bollywood..shabash inspector sahab!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
No doubt, this is the most suitable opening anthem for my blog! Maybe yan (buzz..thanks beb!) will be the first person to read this. Haha..cam klakar plak nak set-up blog ni..but since i have a passion in writing, kire orait la buat blog camni. So, what can you expect from "ChAptErs of LifE"?. A lot i guess..mostly about my life. Aku share setakat yang aku rase patut n sesuai dikongsi bersame..and at the same time, mungkin jugak aku share pengalaman orang di sekeliling. Name, jantina, umur serta lokasi, akan di rahsiekan..hehehe..hopefully, i have the chance to update my blog from time to time..hidup aku ni, takde la happening sangat tapi..you'll never know..(ngeh..ngeh..)
i chose this song because it is "the song"..not just to represent my life tapi mungkin hidup orang lain jugak. Kadang-kadang memang hidup ni, memenatkan, mengelirukan, menyesakkan, menyedihkan, membosankan..tapi tak fair la, kalau kite nak nilai hidup ni only from the negative side! Life itself is full of surprises..life should be fun, full of happiness, joyful and memorable. Haha..kekadang, i can connect myself with this song not directly but only a few parts..nothing personal but it is all about the reality of life! Better stop here for now, nak sambung wat keje..hehe...-peAce-
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong..And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna runaway?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud but no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like..To be like me
To be hurt, To feel lost, To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down, To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
But no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life..
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desparate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and their stupid lies..Well deep inside you're bleeding
No one ever lied straight to your face
No one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
Never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like what it's like..
Welcome to my life....
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